The dedicated volunteers for AARF are making a difference in our community with stories like this. Early November we received pups that were knocking at deaths door. Their mom just wasn't producing enough milk and the babies were dying. Two passed away and we were syringe feeding these two because it was the only way to get anything into them. Bacon, the little yellow one that resembles a piglet, really came around quick and has done great. Eggs however was dwindling. The vet said she would either make it or she wouldn't and there was nothing more we could do than what we were already doing. Then one day we were giving mama a little bit of eggs as a treat and baby went ballistic for them. Hence her name...Eggs... We tried some wet foods and found one that she just went crazy over and now when it's feeding time she gets hangry and let's the world know how dissatisfied she is with her serving staff LOL. Although she's still thin and we still have to give her fluids under her skin to help keep her hydrated, she is doing 100% better. I have an appointment to have the vet look over but I think she's out of the woods finally. These little girls are 6 weeks old today and I just thought I would share these videos of them eating lunch. Eggs and bacon will be available for adoption in a couple weeks. They are Chihuahua mixes.